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angle of friction造句

"angle of friction"是什么意思  
  • Limiting angle of friction
  • Angle of friction
  • Design loads for buildings ; soil characteristics ; specific weight , angle of friction , cohesion , angle of wall friction
  • When other conditions are the same , to the interior angle of friction , mean value of glue and gather play a bigger role to stability and dependability of slope
  • The slope stability question is influenced by many kinds of inherent factors , for instance geological structure , intensity of rock body , development state of joint and crack , cohesive force ( c ) of the rock , interior angle of friction ( f ) , groundwater , etc . , these objective factors reflect generally their sizes with some quantitative parameter indexes in the past
    边坡稳定问题受多种内在因素影响,如地质构造、岩体强度、节理裂隙发育状况、岩石的内聚力( c ) 、内摩擦角( ) 、地下水等,这些客观因素过去一般用某些定量参数指标来反映其大小。
  • It's difficult to see angle of friction in a sentence. 用angle of friction造句挺难的
如何用angle of friction造句,用angle of friction造句angle of friction in a sentence, 用angle of friction造句和angle of friction的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。